Apparently we have a new authority around our house. It's not God, Daddy, or Mommy..although I've been told all those have their place. It is John Tesh. John Tesh is the evening radio broadcaster for the local Christian radio station 93.3 and apparently he is a new advisor in our home.
Elijah likes to listen to the radio at night before he goes to sleep and part of John Tesh's program is called Intelligence for your Life. Elijah loves listening to this and often relays the info he hears from the show to Matt and I. He'll often say something like, "Hey mom did you know that John Tesh said to put your fruit bowl in the middle of your table because it helps you eat healthier food since you see it more?"
Not bad advice, I just think it's cute that he's interested in the info on the show.
Today here is a conversation that just took place:
Elijah : "Mom you should probably go to the grocery store after Dad gets home today so you don't have to take all the kids."
Me: "hmm"
Elijah: "And Mom did you know that John Tesh says that people who take their kids to the store with them in general spend more money and buy more because the kids are there."
Me: "really?"
Elijah: "And John Tesh also said that it is more stressful to grocery shop with kids. And Mom did you know that stress leads to a higher body weight? (something he heard on the program a couple of weeks ago) so it's probably best if you don't take us to the grocery store anymore".
Me: At a loss for words. How can I argue with such reasoning?!
5 Simple Ways to Menu Plan
5 years ago