It's amazing what kinds of topics you talk (or write) about when you have kids. I can't tell you how many times while out with friends the conversation turns to toilet talk. Why? Who knows. But if you have small children I'm sure you can relate! Here are two funny stories of Micah's toilet talk.
We were at Target a month or so ago and Micah had to go potty, if I ever get to go shopping without taking someone to the bathroom it will be a miracle.. anyways, so he's sitting on the toilet and passes gas and says to me in a surprised little 2 year old voice, "oh, that's my noise!" It was hilarious. And ever since if he has gas, he'll say matter of factly, "that's just my noise!" It is so cute.
Recently when he has to do number 2, he'll tell us he has to "poof", then he'll proudly look into the toilet when he's through and say something like "look, see my poof" It's only cute because he's two of course but it still cracks us up every time.