Saturday, February 21, 2009


I love when kids don't know a word for something and they insert either a made up word or a real word that isn't accurate to describe it. If Matt hasn't shaved his face in a day or two Micah will come up to him, feel his face, and declare that Daddy has sprinkles on his face. I'm not sure how his little brain came up with that one but I absolutely LOVE that he calls Matt's stubble his sprinkles! It's so cute.
Well Micah has tubes in his ears and when they are infected the puss drains out of his ear, so sometimes in the mornings if his ears are draining, he'll have some dried puss in his ear and the other day he woke up and announced that he had sprinkles in his ear (the dried drainage) and wanted me to get them out. After we cleaned his ear I asked him how he got sprinkles in his ear? He told me that Daddy put them there last night. Too cute! I know 2's (almost 3!) can be challenging but when they say the sweetest, cutest, or funniest thing, it makes it easier.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Oh, boy, can they be challenging. Wow. I have heard many times that 3 is harder than 2 and I am a believer already. Micah is so cute and funny, love that little guy!