Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Nemesis

Nemesis- noun meaning "something a person cannot conquer; an opponent or rival whom a person cannot beat or overcome"
My nemesis is laundry. We have a laundry chute in our house which sounds great because hampers never overflow (we don't even have hampers anymore) and the floors stay clear of dirty clothes (for the most part) but you kinda forget about all the dirty clothes since they vanish down the chute into the basement. Until you go down to the basement and realize it's been a couple of days since you've been down there and there are mounds and mounds of dirty clothes to be washed, folded, and put away. Part of me wanted to turn around and go back upstairs and pretend I didn't notice the 8 ft pile of dirty clothes. Okay I'm exaggerating about the pile being 8 ft high, but only a little! Looks like I'll be spending the next several days sorting, cleaning, & folding:)

By the way, the picture of the kids in the laundry is clean clothes! They aren't folded neatly and put away yet but at least they're clean:)

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