Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our new pets

Our kids have a facination with making pets out of creatures they find in the backyard. We had 4 caterpillars this spring which they made a home for in a planter box with sticks and leaves, unfortunately they all left their new home after about 5 days. We had a couple of crickets the kids caught a few weeks ago that they had to let go after a day. We've had pill bugs and lady bugs. Each "pet" is properly named and the kids usually create some sort of home for it. They find out what their pets eat and try to provide food and water. Of course the pets don't usually stick around too long since the homes are outdoors and open spaces. So sometimes they stick around for a couple days or weeks and sometimes they are gone the next morning. Even though our pets always leave the cozy homes the kids make, whenever they see that species of bug they will say something like, hey look it's Princess(caterpillar) or Joe (pill bug)!
Yesterday they found their newest "pets"...slugs. They all have names (Slimy Joe, Nemo, Missy Anna, and Hammy) and the kids have created a new home for them out of some outdoor put-put golf tracks and small chairs. They even made a playground for their pets:) And the very first thing they all did early this morning is run outside to check how their new pets faired the night. Elijah was even nice enough to "camoflage Slimy Joe so he wouldn't be eaten by birds" by covering him with some dirt.
They have set up a roatation on checking on the pets through out the day since they are outdoor pets.
It's funny and sweet at the same time.
When I question whether or not we should get a more traditonal pet for the kids, I think about how much I enjoy watching them with their outdoor pets! And how it costs nothing but some creativity and love to take care of our outdoor "pets".

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